Timm Hinsch

- Introduction

Future Multimediadesigner from Fredericia researching designing developing your media solution.

3rd. semester student at UCL in Odense. In which I will focus on
Database, VUE and PHP and WP.

- Contact

Any type of query
or question?

If you are in doubt wether you should contact me. 
or not. Just do it. What could go wrong?

contact me

“You can’t use up creativity, the more you use. The more you have.” – Maya Angelou

1. Semester

Workshop: Stop Motion
Workshop: MovingArt
Project 1: Cafe Biografen
Project 2: Naturama
Project 3: Finalproject
read more

2. Semester

Workshop: Research
Project 4: UCL
Project 5: Pulvis
Project 6: Abtion
read more

3. Semester

Project 7:
Storms Pakhus
Click Here
- Portfolio

Selected Projects

Get a sneak peak of my works or go in 
depth with everything I have to offer.

- Blog

What's new?
My blog and news.

Vaken Sprint week 3 ended

Vaken Sprint Week 3: Iceland – Start